Thursday 10 October 2013

Questionnaire analysis

I gave out the questionnaire and asked random students to fill it out. 50% were males that filled it out and 50% females. 95% said they didn't read the college magazine which is not useful. 40% said they would like the magazine published every half term, and 30% said they would like it every month, this means it will be published every half term. 45% of students said they would pay nothing and 35% said they would pay 50p, however 90% said they would agree to pay for the magazine if it included freebies/discounts/special offers etc. This means I can put a price of 50p-£1 on the magazine.
Art, news, games, sport, and a problem page were the most popular items for what students would like to see on the front page. Results show they would like the colors to be blue, yellow, red, and black which means I will use these colors  40% of students would like to see people as the image on the front cover and 35% would like to see student work, I will include this. 75% of students would like an online version of the magazine as it would encourage them to read it. Finally 30% said they would contribute to the magazine this means 500 students would contribute.

Using my results I will have an image of a student or students work on the front cover. It will feature news, sport, art, and a problem page as the cover lines. The main colors will be blue, yellow, red, and black. It will be published every half term. The cost of the magazine will be 50p. Finally there will be an online version of the magazine to encourage students to read it.  

College magazine questionnaire

1.    Are you male/female/other?
2.    Do you read the college magazine?  Yes / No

3.    How often would you like it produced?

 weekly              fortnight            monthly        every half term         term

4.    How much would you be prepared to pay for the magazine?

            nothing               50p               £1                   £2

5.    Would you freebies/discounts/special offers encourage you to buy the magazine?  Yes / No

6.    What would you like to see in the magazine? (choose your top 3)

        News             fashion             culture                competition
      Reviews             art             problem page           finance
       Games            food                 sports                       other  ………………
7.    What three colours would attract you to look at the magazine?

8.    What image would you like to see on the magazine?

           people/students      technology         nature       students work

9.    Would an online version encourage you to read the magazine?
Yes / No

10.  Would you be interested in contributing to the magazine

Yes / No

College magazine analysis

The main image is of a coloured man as this is an American magazine. This image suggests he is happy as he is smiling therefore this is a positive image. His cross necklace portrays that he is religious and has morals because it is a cross. He is wealthy because it looks rather expensive.  The books in his hand give the impression that he is an intelligent and educated young man. The masthead tells us that this magazine is going to be about the life of college. One of the cover lines is ‘Why we love blackberry’; this tells us there will be technology in this magazine which will help students with research and more.  The main cover line brings music into the magazine and gives students ideas of what they can do. Finance is a part of this magazine and it relates to college students because our generation is finding it hard to get jobs. It seems to be telling students how to make some money. Another cover line is a spring break which college students would be able to attend as it will not be in college hours. The cost of the magazine is $4.99 which is affordable for students. The use of bright colours in this magazine will attract teenagers and young adults’ attention.