Friday 14 March 2014

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product presents the social group Urban Outfitters, and within this group are aspirants and trendies. Above are some images which show what they look like and how they dress.  Aspirants live for the moment, they know the look, music and lifestyle they want and will spend a lot of money to get it. They are attuned to what’s happening in leading circles, it’s about keeping up with what’s cool but without all the hard work of creating it themselves. They will be found in Student Unions across the UK. Aspirants are big consumers with strong brand affiliations, they need to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right people – although appealing to them may be challenging.

Trendies are similar to aspirants and they are getting younger by the day. The high street has exploded with brands like Urban Outfitters and Topshop offering off-the-peg Hipster-influenced styles. Trendies are motivated by the current trends du jour, looking to street style, celebrities and authoritative media brands for inspiration on music and fashion. It’s about getting what’s hot just before it hits the mainstream and picking it up online or on the high street, with key pieces from vintage, charity shops, or shopping on brick lane in London. Fashion is the trendies first love however music is next in line, both of which are in my magazine. Online social media is very important to this group, for example Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube and Mixcloud for showing off and being spotted. These are everyday young people that have achieved their dream into careers.

My media product presents both of these social groups as it is aimed at 18-24 year olds that are interested in music and fashion. Trendies and Aspirants are young and they are interested in music and fashion, so much so that they get careers in them, therefore this is the perfect magazine for them and they will be the readers of it, and the image on the front cover is of a young woman that is a typical trendie or aspirant.

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