Monday 18 November 2013

Target audience mood board

The image of the model at the bottom right relates to my target audience because my target audience will be interested in fashion. The blue handbag relates to my target audience because my audience will be interested in luxury items which are very expensive. This handbag is very expensive as it is a Prada handbag. My target audience are most likely to use hair dye as shown on my mood board as a Revlon make. On the bottom left, second image in on my mood board is an image of a model holding makeup brushes. This relates to my target audience because they will wear makeup so they are accepted in society and especially as they are interested in fashion. I have two images of high heeled shoes on my mood board because my target audience will typically have lots of shoes. Finally the image at the bottom center is of a mansion, this relates to my target audience because they will be wealthy as they need to be able afford the products being advertised within my magazine and to be able to buy my magazine on a regular basis.

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